
Building Safety Materials

Rubber Parking Stopper

Monster™ Parking Lot Safety Solutions include speed bumps, speed humps, parking curbs, and wall guards. Our high-quality speed bumps and parking curbs are available in either high quality rubber, or durable recycled plastic. Speed humps and wall guards feature a premium rubber construction which long outlasts concrete counterparts. Bumps and humps slow down vehicle traffic in parking lots, keeping both those vehicles as well as pedestrians safe. Parking curbs and wall guards offer aesthetic appeals, while simultaneously protecting vehicles and parking structures.

Monster™ Barricade Lights are manufactured in the USA, Including our new line of Sequential Barricade Lights. They combine durability with high efficiency LEDs, which in some models produce 30% more light output than competitive brands. With solar, battery, and bottom-line driven lights available, we have a wide variety of options to suite your needs.